Registration fees
Students, PhD candidates, low waged and unemployed: 50 euros
Standard: 130 euros
The deadline to register for the conference is the 10th of July 2015.
In order to register, you have to:
1. Pay the registration fees through bank transfer to
DICEA Sapienza (Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile, Edile ed Ambientale)
IBAN: IT 93 M 02008 05227 000401386493
name of the bank: UniCredit
Bank address: piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185, Rome
Important: Indicate as reason for the transfer "Registration to the Conference Crossing Boundaries"
2. Once paid, send the transfer receipt/proof to the organization email address ([email protected])
Together with the receipt/proof, please send the following form filled: /uploads/4/6/7/1/46716505/registrationegsc.docx
Students, PhD candidates, low waged and unemployed: 50 euros
Standard: 130 euros
The deadline to register for the conference is the 10th of July 2015.
In order to register, you have to:
1. Pay the registration fees through bank transfer to
DICEA Sapienza (Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile, Edile ed Ambientale)
IBAN: IT 93 M 02008 05227 000401386493
name of the bank: UniCredit
Bank address: piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185, Rome
Important: Indicate as reason for the transfer "Registration to the Conference Crossing Boundaries"
2. Once paid, send the transfer receipt/proof to the organization email address ([email protected])
Together with the receipt/proof, please send the following form filled: /uploads/4/6/7/1/46716505/registrationegsc.docx