Travel Bursaries
The organising committee of the III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference will provide funding for partial travel bursaries for participants on low incomes. Prioritisation will be given to applicants from outside the major economies of north-western Europe, those who have low or no income and those who have no institutional support. It is unlikely that any individual will be awarded more than € 200 for travel, plus a fee waiver for the conference. To apply for a travel bursary please outline briefly in your application (in one of the five languages of the conference):
1. Your name and contact details, including address, institutional affiliation (if you have one), email and phone number.
2. Your contribution to the conference: as a presenter, audience contributor etc.
3. Why you would like to attend the conference and what you hope to gain from this experience
4. Your estimated costs, broken down as much as is feasible. Please outline what you would like this grant to pay for.
5. Your bank account details, including international transfer code.
All applications for bursaries should be emailed (marked as “Travel bursaries”) to the official conference email address ([email protected]) by the 31st of May 2015..
The organising committee of the III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference will provide funding for partial travel bursaries for participants on low incomes. Prioritisation will be given to applicants from outside the major economies of north-western Europe, those who have low or no income and those who have no institutional support. It is unlikely that any individual will be awarded more than € 200 for travel, plus a fee waiver for the conference. To apply for a travel bursary please outline briefly in your application (in one of the five languages of the conference):
1. Your name and contact details, including address, institutional affiliation (if you have one), email and phone number.
2. Your contribution to the conference: as a presenter, audience contributor etc.
3. Why you would like to attend the conference and what you hope to gain from this experience
4. Your estimated costs, broken down as much as is feasible. Please outline what you would like this grant to pay for.
5. Your bank account details, including international transfer code.
All applications for bursaries should be emailed (marked as “Travel bursaries”) to the official conference email address ([email protected]) by the 31st of May 2015..